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Link building: what is it, how to do it and what link building strategy should be choosen

The only techniques of SEO ON PAGE are not sufficient to place a website in the first pages of search engines. For example, how many of you have created an article for a blog having paid close attention to the use of keywords, the tag, the title and meta description, but without reaching the goal hoped for? For this reason, in this article, we will go a bit 'over, talking about SEO OFF PAGE and in particular of LINK 

What is Link Building?

First of all, let's define techniques OFF PAGE SEO optimization as all activities that are not performed on the website itself.The Link building is part of its class and is to be able to get the inbound links from other sites, improving the appearance SEO , and consequently increasing the catchment area of the visitors. 
The link building is one of the strategies used to try to place the first pages of the search engines for a website. Simply put us to get backlinks from many other sites such as B, C, D and so on, gaining a sort of authority in the eyes of Google .

LINK BUILDING (link building) vs LINK EARNING (make link)

With the advent of the Google algorithm - Penguin - in 2012 Google penalized those sites that had obtained inbound links (backlinks) unnaturally through spam techniques. 
For this reason, the link building has experienced a significant slowdown in because, if done right, is subject to penalties. 
It took more and more ground so the concept of link earning , although between the two there is no difference in terms of goal. Both aim to get an inbound link, but simply through the link earnings are obtained through links to quality content effortlessly. 
The content is shared and linked on other sites like it and because it is authoritative.
Now that I have described what is link building and link earnings go to practice ...

How to do link building?

Unfortunately it is not always easy to get inbound links to your site without any effort (link earning) in areas that arouse little interest in public, which is why there are strategies and seo techniques that can help you to get backlinks (link building) .
Among the link building strategies there are some that are good and some that are rather more risky and even harmful.

Good link building strategies

The infographics are good web marketing tools, used to summarize in a graphic data and information in order to make them easy to read and pleasing to the eye. 
When you create an infographic for sharing on the web is essential to create an embed code in html it can be added to other websites. 
In this way those who share your infographic, automatically will give your website a backlink SEO optimized , in a natural way. 
Do you offer at least 3 codes with infographics of different sizes (small -Medium - big ): in this way can be adapted to any layout of sites that want to share. 
The code will be very similar to this.
Another useful technique is to use the Guest Post . 
The guest post is a post that an author decides to publish, on its website, but on that of a famous blogger. In return, the most influential blogger, may grant to the author the opportunity toplace links back to their website. 
The benefits are many for both sides: for the author to have a link to your own website, blogger famous for a technical article and quality.

Place, if you can, the links within the content , might have more value to Google, than a link placed in a sidebar or in a card writer.

Link building strategies "questionable"

We start from the less risky and less "questionable". In the network there are several thematic portals , industry, construction, green, energy, food or general portals. They often offer the user to insert a business card, with description, address, email and website link. I do not consider myself one of the best link building strategies, but if the portal has a certain value and a certain authority may be an alternative, although it will not bring the same value to SEO a guest post or infographic.
One of the strategies used, but not believed to be good, is to enter the link within the directory . Bring little value to the site in terms of SEO and little or no value in terms of visibility and traffic. 

Bad link building strategies

Until some time ago, before the advent of algorithms Panda before  and Penguin later, many webmasters would obtain thousands of links to a few dollars from Web sites "specialized" in this practice. This technique, however, is not entirely disappeared and remains a the worst and most dangerous activities of link building. 
I purchased links, in most cases, come from sites with little value and who commit clearly spam. If at first I can not figure out this activity, in a few month will penalize your website causing you to lose positions in the SERP .
The meaning is contained in the name. It is certainly not a good STRATEGY link building. Google and other search engines may penalize websites that adopt this practice. 
In summary.
We can almost say that the more the link is easy to make and has less value in optical SEO, and sometimes is even risky. So avoid websites made ​​to the mere purpose of insert link. 
Try to create more quality articles and can be shared by users without much effort.

You can find detailed information about how to make money from a blog here


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