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When you get closer to the end of December we often look back to those that werethe most important events and trends of the year that is ending and realize that many things would have been predictable if you had given attention to certain small signals.For example, the way in which the mobile has dominated the marketing in 2013 should not have surprised anyone who had kept an eye on the trend in recent years.

By 2014, there are some trends that whoever does marketing needs to know so thatyou take advantage of it. Below we carry three.

1. great attention to quality of content

Recent changes to Google's algorithm show that will be given greater visibility toquality content to better meet the needs of those who are looking for something. For example, now that Google searches also include posts on Google + who doesmarketing must necessarily change its marketing strategy.

Another item to keep in mind is that Google is pursuing an extremely aggressivecampaign toward those sites which in recent years have tried to gain positions insearch results mainly through link building activities, but without simultaneouslysubmit quality content.

In light of these two elements here exposed, the best activities that who does SEO canimplement is to produce quality content. And because the research include commentsand social, all the textual content of internet will be subjected to quality dark imposed by Google.

2. multi-device optimization becomes a standard

There is an old saying that goes something like this: "the more things change, the morethey remain the same". This is because it will face those who deal with internet marketing in relation to optimization for mobile.

Despite those who constantly says that laptops are the death of pc, smartphones arethe end of laptops and tablet will disappear all others, the reality is that every type ofdevice perfectly coexists in society due to its specificity. Many people have differentdevice and use one rather than the other depending on what they need and where they are.

Obviously this creates problems both on who does marketing for webdesigner sinceinternet sites see themselves and behave differently depending on the type of mediaused.

Instead of waiting for who will be the winner of this war, the 2014 will be the year of the clear affirmation of the new way of developing web that already in 2013 got underway. All sites must be designed with specific versions for each device orresponsive mode, so as to adapt perfectly to every support. It is a logical choice to provide a better browsing experience for users and, consequently, a better response toour content. Also, think thus allows designers to prepare the future. If it were to come out a new device, simply add a new profile to display what has already been done (in2014 should not happen nothing striking, but soon we will have to worry aboutmaking smart watch versions and Google glass).

3. the Internet will spur the local small businesses

When the internet appeared, its purpose was to connect people. Now that most people have access to the internet and most have some online presence, the internet is increasingly used to perform local searches and participate in small community.

Based on data provided by Google, more than 20% of searches is local. Another very significant figure, provided this time by the Relevanza website, is that 97% of consumers search on internet information about activities of their area. Companies would be foolish if neglected this trend and anyone involved in marketing must put into practice more actions to find targeted Geolocated and geo.

With the improvement of the economic situation, the 2014 must be the year in which companies must make full use of their knowledge and skills to ride the wave and position itself as the leader in their market, large or small. It will be important to invest in the brand, to consolidate it and make it strong point to recovery.


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