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The Guest Blogging is still a valid SEO tactics?

A recent blog post by Matt Cutts, head of Google's anti-spam, caused a heart attack to several internet marketing experts. In the post, Matt makes the following declaration:

If you're using guest blogging as a way to get links in 2014, you should probably stop.

When Cutts speaks, is the closest thing to a direct access to the details of the algorithmthat Google indexes and classifies web sites. So, naturally, SEO experts around the world are taking note. But let's not jump to hasty conclusions.

keep calm and be my guest

A liitle bit of history,

Guest blogging is a tactic loved by many SEO professionals, included myself. The idea is simple:  analyzes the links pointing to  your website from other sites, and uses this data to determine your site's ranking in its search engine. If  in all other factors (quality content, optimizing your code)  you have lots of links from high-quality web sites,  your site will be ranked more often and higher than a competing web site that doesn't have as many inbound links of high quality. 

Guest blogging history.

Google does not focused as much on the quality of these links, but updates in recent years have targeted low-quality links, and many websites  they had bought alot of suspicious links, participated in exchanges or link diagrams, or had entered a directory of dubious authority  were punished with a drastic drop in ranking.
The response to this challenge, SEO consultants has been trying to get high qualitylinks as a solution was the guest blogging, in which a person writes a post as a guest  on the site of another in Exchange for a link to his site.

The problem of guest blogging today, for
example if you took as an hotel in New York and I tried to get a guest post on ablog. It would be a stretch, since there is no connection between these two websites,and a post on a hotel in New York could only confuse the people who read the blog for information on the last tablet from Samsung.

Guest blogging problem

Google does not want to reward in the ranking of a web site that is collecting links through means that do not make sense to humans, because, that would lower the quality of its search results, which in turn would open the way for competitors that provide better results.

Google loves natural links. A hotel in New York should have inbound links from sites that deal with travel, tourism in washington, the hotel trade or catering.

So, in other words, Matt Cutts is repeating once again what you're saying for several months, wants to deter webmasters and marketers from creating spam and low-quality content in an attempt to fool the Google algorithm. Those who do so will be punished.

It is always a question of quality...

content is king

As with all SEO tactics that are abused, the question is always quality. Why Google  does not want to penalise the guest blogging? because, ultimately, what they really want is to encourage the creation and distribution of quality content.

Google once again going against the duplicate content, the publication of low-value content (on sites with little or no editorial guidelines or control), to link full of keywords and link abnormal profiles (for example, with too many links from one site).

Google develop  a good SEO strategy is always focused primarily on humans, and then on the search engines.

As the same Cutts:
There are still plenty of good reasons to do some guest blogging (exposure, branding,increased range, community, etc.). These reasons existed long before Google and will continue to exist in the future.

Rand Fishkin, CEO of Moz (a real authority in the SEO industry) says:

The guest blogging is not completely invalidated, but if you're doing guest blogging for SEO rather than write for other sites in a way that can also gain some benefit SEO side,then you're in trouble. The guest blogging for [only] SEO will be seen by Google assimilar to tactics like link directory, spam in blog comments, etc.: o will be removed, orcan actually penalize/harm your site if you're clearly doing on a large scale for manipulating positioning.

Basic SEO rules
seo rules

Continues to use the guest blogging as a means of providing greater visibility and scope, as suggested by Matt, but if you're doing it as SEO tactics, follow these three rules of thumb:

Check the quality of the blog where you posted your post. If you are entrusted to an agency SEO, it should provide regular reports that show you exactly where the content was placed, and it shouldn't be difficult to judge the quality of these sites.
Make sure that the content will remain unique. Each post should be posted on a website, without exception. Focused on people first, then on search engines. How to know good SEO Copywriters ,if you focus primarily on people and on what you appreciate, search engines generally appreciate accordingly.
Do not go overboard with anchor text (the clickable part of the link) full of keywords. The main sign of unnatural activities for Google is repeating exaggerated the same keywords in inbound links. 

In conclusion
Google and other search engines aim to provide users the results they want and they expect, which prompts the Google algorithm to become more and more "human". If a particular SEO tactic does not make sense for real people, you have to stay away. But if you put the readers in the middle and produce really useful content (and get SEO benefits too), you do not have to worry about: the Guest Blogging is still a valid SEO tactic.



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