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SEO Infographic: The four faces of the link building (which is not yet dead)

 Even if you listened to the ' last homily of John Mueller in memory of the dead link builders, you can still breathe easy link building is not deadand difficult to find death in the coming decades ... 
Mueller has just said what Matt Cutts and the first ' All the team of Google has said all along: you do not have to hunt for links, but let the link come to you!

Perfect, but since we are mere mortals (we do not know walk on water or even multiply the links), we need to spread bait in our reservoirs and facilitate, as much as possible, the path of the link to the hook.
To give a better idea of what can be articulated the professional link builder, infographic (" The four faces of Link Building "), created by ShellShockUK  which highlights different aspects and skills that should belong to This type of SEO expert.
According to the authors, the figure of the link builder should summarize four different skills: the nerd, the creative, the seller and networker. In essence it is a role that requires a creative mind, with a logical and rational approach and excellent communication quality .
Infographics need to address, of course, relevant themes with this blog. Also remember to indicate the source and, where possible, make sure it is reproducible.



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